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Shop, Stay, Dine & Play
Shop, Stay, Dine & Play
Upcoming Events
Shop, Stay, Dine & Play
Another Beautiful Day Natural Foods, 1709 N Causeway Blvd., 985.626.3460 http://www.itsanotherbeautifulday.com
Barley Oak, 2101 Lakeshore Dr., 985.727.7420, http://www.thebarleyoak.com
Benedict's, 1144 N Causeway Blvd, 985.626.4557, http://www.benedictsplantation.net
Bistro Byronz, 1901 Highway 190, 985.951.7595 http://www.bistrobyronz.com
Bosco's Italian Café, 2040 Highway 59, 985.624.5066, http://www.boscositalian.com
Café du Monde, 1814 N Causeway App., 985.951.7474, https://shop.cafedumonde.com
Café Lynn, 2600 Florida St., 985.624.9007, http://www.cafelynn.com
Chili's Grill and Bar, 3420 Highway 190, 985.727.2771, http://www.chilis.com
China Kitchen, 1680 Highway 59, 985.727.7981, http://www.lachinakitchen.com
Chivo's Mexican Bistro, 2999 Highway 190, 985.778.2298, https://www.facebook.com
Coffee Rani of Mandeville, 3517 Highway 190, 985.674.0560, http://www.coffeerani.com
Coscino's Pizza, 1809 N. Causeway Blvd., 985.727.4984, http://www.coscinositaliangrill.com
Country Kitchen, 2109 Florida St., 985.626.5373, https://countrykitchenrestaurants.com
Crazy Pig Southern Kitchen, 4700 Highway 22, 985.792.7900, https://m.facebook.com
Cucina Cagemi, 3900 Highway 22, 985.778.0101, https://cucinacangemi.com
Daisy Dukes, 1200 W Causeway App., 985.951.2140, https://www.daisydukesmandeville.com
Dilly & Sons Bagelry, 2045 Hwy 59, 985.231-7212 (20+) Facebook
Dr Gumbo, 1997 Surgi D, 985.624.3818, https://www.drgumbo.com
Duman Artisan Kitchen, 821 Girod St, 985.237.7663, https://www.dumanpizza.com
El Paso Mexican Grill, 3410 Highway 190, 985.624.2345, https://www.elpasomexrestaurant.com
El Rancho Mexican Grill, 1665 Dove Park Rd, 985.867.5261, https://elranchomexicangrills.com
Fazzio's Restaurant, 1841 North Causeway Blvd,985.643.2825, http://www.fazziosrestaurant.com
Fat Spoon Cafe, 68480 Highway 59, 985.809.2929, https://www.fatspooncafe.com
Felix's, 2891 Highway 190, 985.778.2176, http://www.felixs.com
Flamjeaux, 985.235-0463, http://flamjeaux.com/
George's Mexican, 1461 N. Causeway Blvd, 985.626.4342, http://georgesmexicanrestaurant.com
Grapeful Ape, 2013 Jefferson St.,985.951.2400, https://www.grapefulape.com
Hambone, 544 Girod St,985.778.0531, http://www.eathambone.com
Impastato Cellars, 240 Highway 22, 985.778.0989, https://www.impastatocellars.com
Isabella's Pizzeria, 2660 Florida St., 985.674.5700, http:// www.isabellaspizzeria.net
Journey East Noodle Bar, 1814 N Causeway Blvd, 985.778.0602, https://www.facebook.com
Kazoku Sushi, 1680 Highway 59, 985.626.8118, https://www.kazokumandeville.com
Kelly's Coastal Cabana, 124 Girod St., 985.231.6623, (7) Facebook
Kim Hibachi Sushi Bar, 322 Dalwill Dr, 985.778.2160
Kowloon Chinese, 890 Lafayette St., 985.626.0800
La Carretta, 1200 W. Causeway App., 985.624.2990, http://www.carretarestaurant.com
La Placita Grocery, 2482 Florida St, 985.276.7734, https://m.facebook.com
LA Poke & Sushi, 1814 N Causeway Blvd, 985.778.0801, https://m.facebook.com
LALOU, 200 Girod St, 985.231.7125, https://doyoulalou.com
Lama's Seafood, 5404 Highway 22, 985.702.9090, https://m.facebook.com
LA Madeleine, 3434 Highway 190, 985.626.7004, https://lamadeleine.com
Lago Mexican, 2600 Florida St., 985.674.7602, https://www.eatlago.com
Leonardo's, 2625 Florida St., 985.778.2550, Home | Leonardo's Trattoria & Pizzeria
Little Tokyo, 590 Asbury Dr, 985.727.1532
Liu's Wok, 1665 Dove Park Rd, 985.898.0022, https://www.liuswok.com
Live Fit, 1170 Meadowbrook Blvd, 985.630.1157, https://www.livefitnutrition.com
Liz's Where Y'at Dine, 2500 Florida St., 985.789.3777, http://www.lizswhereyaat.com
Lunch Box Express, 1680 Highway 59, 985.951.2120, https://www.lunchboxexpress.us
LuvPho Food, 4650 Highway 22, 985.792.9229, https://sweetideala.com
Mandeville Seafood, 2020 Highway 59, 985.624.8552, http://www.mandevilleseafoodmarket.com
Mandina's, 4240 Highway 22, 985.674.9883, http://www.mandinarestaurant.com
McClain's Pizzeria, 115 Girod St, 985.778.0955
Megumi Japanese, 4700 Highway 22, 985.845.1644, http://www.megumirestaurant.com
Mi Mamacita's, 2345 Florida St, 985.674.1400, http://mimamacitas.com
MooMoo Frozen Custard,2660 Florida St., 985.727.5003, https://m.facebook.com
Nan's New Orleans Café,700 Florida St, 985.951.2586, https://www.nanscafe.com
Nonna Randazzo's Italian Bakery & Café, 55255 Marshall Rd, 985.898.2444 http://www.nonnarandazzo.com
Nuvolari's, 246 Girod St, 985.626.5619, http://www.nuvolaris.com
Old Rail Brewing Company, 639 Girod St., 985.612.1828, https://www.oldrailbrewing.com/
Original Italian Pie, 4350 Highway 22, 985.626.1934, http://italianpie.com
Papillons, 690 Lafitte St., 985.624.2597, Papillon's - Italian Restaurant in Mandeville
Pardo's An American Bistro, 5280 highway 22, 985.893.6303, http://pardosrestaurant.com
Pat Gallagher's 527, 527 N. Causeway Blvd, 985.778.2820, http://gallaghers527restaurant.com
Pat's Rest A While, 2129 Lakeshore Dr, 985.951.2173, Pat's Rest Awhile – Restaurant & Bar (patsrestawhile.com)
Ploy's Kitchen, 2890 E. Causeway Appr., 985.778.0627, https://www.facebook.com/ploys.kitchen2890/
Poboy Company, 1817 N. Causeway Blvd., 985.778.2460, https://m.facebook.com/poboyco
Pontchartrain Po-Boys, 318 Dalwill Dr, 985.626.8188, https://pontchartrainpoboys.com
Prima Apres, 3180 N Causeway,985.807-1144,(4) Facebook
Pyre BBQ, 2020 Woodrow St, 985.881.6129, https://pyrebbq.com/
Red Apple Asian Cuisine, 4350 Highway 22, 985.626.3373, https://www.no1redapple.com
Reginelli's Pizzeria, 1810 N Causeway Blvd, 985.778.0644, https://www.reginellis.com
Rips on the Lake,1917 Lakeshore Dr., 985.727.2829, http://www.ripsonthelake.com
Sake Garden, 1705 Highway 190, 985.624.8955, http://www.sakegardenla.com
Salad Station, 1291 N. Causeway Blvd, 985.624.5558, http://www.thesaladstation.com
Sawseedee Thai Cuisine, 4250 Highway 22, 985.626.3577, http://www.sawasdeethaicuisinela.com
Sticks BBQ, 1770 Highway 59, 985.951.2277, https://www.sticks-bbq.com
Swegs Kitchen,4350 Highway 22, 985.951.2064, http://www.swegskitchen.com181
Tandem Coffee and Cocktails, 424 Girod St, Tandem Coffee and Cocktails
Tea Time Café, 3845 Highway 22, 985.951.2229, https://teatimecafenola.com
Thai Pepper, 1625 Highway 190, 985.674.8588, http://www.thaipeppermandeville.com
That's Amore Pizzeria 1600 W Causeway App. 985.778.2371, http://www.thatsamorepizzaonline.com
Tienda La Latina La Mexican 2201 11th St., 985.626.8155, https://www.facebook.com
Times Grill, 1896 N Causeway Blvd, 985.626.9715, https://timesgrill.com
Trey Yuen, 600 N. Causeway Blvd., 985.262.4476, http://www.treyyuen.com
Triple Nickel Grill, 813 Florida St, 985.626.9989, http://www.triplenickelgrill.com
Twin Sushi, 200 Dalwill Dr, 985.951.7182, https://twin-sushi.com/
Usual Suspects Chicken Fingers, 1680 Highway 59,985.674.3333, https://m.facebook.com
Viet Kitchen,3414 Highway 190, 985.502.3904, https://www.dineoptions.com
Ziggy's Ice Cream & Snowballs 4450 Highway 22 985.778.0475, https://m.facebook.com